Proven Health Benefits of Oregano that you need know. Moreover, the oregano contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of oregano for health. Like to know what the benefits of oregano are? Know the properties of oregano: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin. Oregano is an easy-to-grow herb with many health-promoting properties. It is an aromatic herb, belonging to the mint family. It prefers a warm, dry climate with plenty of sunlight.
It is a perennial that does well in containers- you can even grow it in a small pot on a kitchen windowsill! If kept in the garden, one plant will quickly spread and provide more than enough for one family. If you purchase fresh oregano- keep it wrapped in wet paper towels in the refrigerator or cover it in water and freeze it in ice cube trays.
Oregano is more than just a culinary herb- it is a powerful medicinal plant! Below are the many uses and benefits of oregano. Some of them might surprise you!
Oregano is part of herbaceous plant that is also used as traditional herbal medicine and traditional people used to use oregano to keep away pests and bugs by utilizing its strong aroma. Scientifically, oregano is well known as Origanum vulgare which is coming from the same family as mint leaves, Mentha. Oregano itself has literal meaning ‘joy of the mountains’ originated from Greek word oros means mountain and ganos means joy. Though oregano could be used fresh and dried but most people prefer to use the dried oregano because the dried one has stronger flavor than the fresh leaves of oregano.
Nutritional Facts: Per 100 grams oregano contain 4.3 gm fat, 25mg sodium, 1,260mg potassium, 69gm carbohydrates, and 9gm protein, including vitamin A (34%), calcium (159%), vitamin C (3%), iron (204%), vitamin B6 (50%) and magnesium (67%). Oregano contains no cholesterol.
Benefits of Oregano to Relieve Menstrual Cramps: Menstrual cramps could be very annoying sometimes, especially for women with busy schedule and at the same time they should deal with the cramps. Well, now you could say goodbye to menstrual cramps just by adding oregano to daily diet.
Benefits of Oregano to Irregular Menstruation: Though more studies are still strongly required for further proofs but many women have enjoy the benefits of oregano in aiding their irregular menstruation period.
Benefits of Oregano to Decreases the Negative Effects of Menopause: Some negative effects of menopause are something that you shouldn’t take for granted like breast cancer. As rich of antioxidants oregano is good in fighting cancerous cells and some studies have proven that adding oregano as daily diet could decrease the risk of breast cancer suffered after menopause.

Benefits of Oregano to Treats Respiratory Tracks Disorder: Asthma is one of the conditions of respiratory track disorder. It is not an easy condition to treat but much easier to avoid by putting away all things that could be the trigger of the allergic reaction. Oregano contains some properties that could act as anti-allergic that could treat this condition optimally. Though of course there are some words of cautions related to allergic you should aware too.
Oregano is a Natural Treatment for Cold: The strong and unique aroma of oregano comes from certain chemicals found like thymol, limonene and ocimene. Those chemicals are also potent in treating cold caused by viral infections.
Benefits of Oregano to Controls Blood Pressure: One of the most amazing things that oregano could do to your life is assisting in controlling blood pressure. It is not an easy task but since oregano could blend perfectly with other foods like it is easy to add oregano as part of daily diet and deal with all the negative effects of sodium that enter your body.
Oregano is a Natural Body Detox: What you need to detoxify your body? Most people will rightly jump to some detox supplement products they’ve heard somewhere. Well, actually what you really need to detoxify your body is foods that are rich of minerals like calcium, iron, manganese and then vitamin K and fiber. Surprisingly oregano is packed with minerals, vitamin K and fiber so it is an alternative solution to detox your body naturally.
Benefits of Oregano to Fight Cancer: While oregano hasn’t been studied extensively for use against cancer, preliminary studies published in the Journal of Medicinal Food showed that the compound 4-terpineol found in oregano was effective at inhibiting the spread of cancer. In an article in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, researchers reported that oregano particularly targeted liver cancer cells to destroy them.
Benefits of Oregano to Eliminating Viruses and Parasites: Oregano is a powerfully antiseptic plant, thanks to the compounds known as carvacrol and rosmarinic acid. In one study against a variety of viruses including the herpes viruses, researchers found that oregano had high antiviral activity against most of the viruses tested. Unlike antibiotic drugs, which act only against bacteria, these compounds work against bacteria, viruses, fungi and even parasites like worms, making oregano a well-rounded antiseptic for your natural medicine cabinet.
Oregano Fight Against the Fungus Candida Albicans: New research in the medical journal MicrobiologyOpen found that oregano worked against 6 different strains of candida fungus. Candida are harmful fungal infections linked to intestinal, vaginal and systemic infections.
Benefits of Oregano to Controls Blood Pressure: One of the most amazing things that oregano could do to your life is assisting in controlling blood pressure. It is not an easy task but since oregano could blend perfectly with other foods like it is easy to add oregano as part of daily diet and deal with all the negative effects of sodium that enter your body.
Benefits of Oregano to Prevent Glaucoma: Free radicals are involved in the eye condition glaucoma, which causes damage to the optic nerve and can result in vision loss or blindness. If glaucoma runs in your family or you have been diagnosed with the condition, it is best to incorporate plentiful amounts of antioxidants, and particularly oregano, in your diet.

Benefits of Oregano to Treat Arthritis: Because of its anti-infectious and antioxidant properties, oregano can be helpful in the treatment of both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. While infections have only been implicated in rheumatoid arthritis, both types of arthritis benefit from oregano’s potent antioxidant activity.
Contains Anti-bacterial Properties: Carvacol in oregano is the reasons why this leaves has unique and aromatic smell but the function of carvacol is more than that. Many studies have been done and showed that carvacol is a compound with powerful antimicrobial effect. As contains anti-bacterial properties, oregano is essential to assist in fighting bacteria and preventing some diseases.
Oregano Acts as Anti-inflammatorys: What people don’t know about inflammatory is this condition is actually the root of some serious diseases. However, based on a scientific study conducted by scientists at Bonn University, Germany, there is a compound called beta-caryophyllin found in oregano which could act as anti-inflammatory. To deal with the diseases is better to treat the inflammatory first.
Oregano Contains Powerful Antioxidants Compounds: Thymol, the chemical that gives the strong and unique smell of oregano is actually a phytonutrient which also function as powerful antioxidant. Besides thymol there is also another phytonutrient which the same function, rosmarinic acid. Because of those two phytonutrient, per gram oregano has 42 times stronger antioxidant than apples.
Benefits of Oregano to Increase the Immune System: Immune system is like a layer of protection that protects body from all kinds of external disturbance like viruses, bacteria, free radicals, viral infections and many more. The thicker the system is the better. Oregano as rich of antioxidants like thymol, rosmarinic acid and carvacol are good supports to immunity system.
Oregano Increases the Production of White Blood Cells: White blood cells are part of immunity system. The better the immunity system is functioning should be balanced with the production of white blood cells. Oregano which is rich of carvacol and thymol will assist in increasing the production of white blood cells in order to fight bacteria and other conditions caused by viral infections effectively.
Oregano Speeds Up Metabolism: Healthy metabolism is essential to make sure body is functioning properly. However, there are a lot of factors that are affecting the metabolism system; some factors will slow down the metabolism while others will speed up the process. Oregano contains some properties that could speed up metabolism so body could function optimally.
Benefits of Oregano to Prevents Heart Attack: There are a lot of factors that could cause heart attack from inflammatory condition, cardiovascular problem; the spike of cholesterol level up to heart is forced to work too hard due to disturbance in the artery. Oregano contains compound called beta-caryophyllin which could act as anti-inflammatory, oregano also contains omega 3 fatty acids that are good to control cholesterol and all cardiovascular conditions so it is effective to prevent heart attack.
Benefits of Oregano to Accelerates Healing Process: One of the problems that people should face after illness has passed is recovery. During this healing process, human body is in weakest state and strengthening immunity system is important. Add some oregano to diet will make sure immune system is working optimally to provide one more layer of protection and the result is healing process will be accelerated. Thus, you can use oregano leaves tea.

Benefits of Oregano for Digestive System: Surely you have known that all foods rich of fiber is good for digestion system. You would never guess that oregano also contains adequate amount of fiber, wouldn’t you? Well, though the amount is not a lot but it is enough to support digestive system to work optimally. Healthy digestive system will affect metabolism significantly.
Benefits of Oregano to Promotes Optimal Nutrients Absorption: The number of people who think before they eat is progressively increasing today but less people understand that unhealthy digestive system could disturb the optimal absorption of nutrients extracted from foods they have consumed. Foods rich of fiber will stimulates the motion inside the bowel system to make sure optimal nutrient absorption.
Blood clotting got its bad reputation because sometimes they were formed in the location they’re not supposed to be there like in the artery that will disturb the blood circulation. However, without the ability of blood to clot, when you’re finger cut even by paper, the blood will keep bleeding and never stop which is scary. Oregano contains some properties that promote proper blood clotting.
Benefits of Oregano to Treat Asthma: According to James Duke, oregano contains four anti-asthma compounds. The oil or tincture should be ingested, not inhaled, when used for asthma. Actually, it is important not to breathe too deeply when using oregano with asthma, especially the essential oil, since the powerful aromatic compounds can initiate a cough reflex that can temporarily aggravate asthma.
Benefits of Oregano to Reduces the Risk of Stroke: Strokes are the other form of heart attack. If in heart attack, heart is the one attacked, in stroke, brain is the one attacked. The factors that cause stroke is almost similar to factors that cause heart attack. So, for you who are currently having problems with the cardiovascular system and intend to reduce the risk of stroke, adding dried oregano leaf tea to daily diet is highly recommended.
Natural Source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to human body but not many people know that omega 3 fatty acids are not only the product of the sea because oregano also contains relatively high content of omega 3 fatty acids. So, for you who cannot consume sea food due to some factors like allergic or simply don’t like it could get replacement of omega 3 fatty acids from oregano.
Benefits of Oregano to Rebalances Cholesterol Level: Do you know that oregano contains zero level of cholesterol? Well, it is only one of the reasons why people with cholesterol problem should add oregano to their daily diet. Others reasons are because oregano contains omega 3 fatty acids hat could assist in rebalancing cholesterol level. So, in other words, oregano is one of those foods recommended for people with cholesterol problem.

Benefits of Oregano to Prevents Anemia: As rich of manganese and iron, oregano is also effective to prevent anemia by making sure the production of red blood cells are in the right level so body will get enough blood and you could say goodbye to anemia completely. Though in acute level, you should contact your doctor for more intensive treatment.
Benefits of Oregano for Hair: Why oregano is good for skin because it has all properties best known as antifungal, antiseptic and of course antioxidants which are good for skin. The antifungal and antiseptic are effective to treat skin conditions while antioxidants are essential to keep the skin cells healthy and promote the cells regenerations.
Benefits of Oregano for Treat Mild Fevers: Oregano also found in the form of oil that could function as health tonic. It is because oregano oil is so rich of carvacol that is effective in treating mild fever. What you need to do is just stirring some oregano oil with your favorite hot drink, like tea will help you treating fever, although consulting your doctor with your condition is still necessary.
Oregano Helps in Having A Good Night Sleep: Thymol is one of the chemicals found in oregano that responsible to the aromatic smell of oregano. Surprisingly, if you have problem with your sleep, adding oregano to your dinner could help you having a good night sleep because thymol also has function to sooth your body while you’re sleeping.
Benefits of Oregano for Sore Throat: Sore throat is probably not a serious condition but it is really uncomfortable and if it is not treated properly could lead to more uncomfortable conditions like fever and cold.