Proven Health Benefits of Mint Oil that you need know. Moreover, the mint oil contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of mint oil for health. Like to know what the benefits of rmint oil are? Know the properties of mint oil: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin. Mint oil is derived from the peppermint plant — a cross between water mint and spearmint — that thrives in Europe and North America.
Mint oil is commonly used as flavoring in foods and beverages and as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Mint oil also is used for a variety of health conditions and can be taken orally in dietary supplements or topically as a skin cream or ointment.
Clinical evidence suggests that mint oil likely can help with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It may also help indigestion and prevent spasms in the GI tract caused by endoscopy or barium enema. Some studies show that used topically it may help sooth tension headaches and cracked nipples from breastfeeding—but more research is needed to confirm these studies.
When used as directed, dietary supplements and skin preparations containing mint oil are likely safe for most adults.
Mint oil may cause side effects such as heartburn and it may interact with certain medications. Talk to your health care provider before using mint oil.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Skin: Mint oil has calming effects on skin inflammation. You can mix mint oil into lip balm and body lotion for a nice cooling sensation. Try my Lavender Mint Lip Balm to nourish lips throughout the year. Mixing peppermint and lavender essential oils can improve eczema and psoriasis when applied topically.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Acne Treatment: According to medical studies one of the best mint oil Uses is facial treatment thanks to anti-microbial properties so is an excellent ingredient to help cure acne naturally.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Headache Cure: Mint oil has the ability to improve circulation, heal the gut and relax tense muscles. All of these conditions can cause tension headaches or migraines making mint oil an excellent natural treatment. A study from researchers at the Neurological Clinic at the University of Kiel, Germany, found that a combination of oils, including mint oil had “significant analgesic effect with a reduction in sensitivity to headaches.” The oils were applied to the forehead and temples for pain relief.

Benefits of Mint Oil for Hair Growth: Mint oil is used in many high quality hair care products because it can naturally thicken and nourish damaged hair. Simply add some mint oil to your current shampoo or make your own homemade rosemary mint shampoo that can help stop hair loss and thinning.
Benefits of Mint Oil to Treat Burns: Mint oil can hydrate burnt skin and relieve the pain from sunburns. You can mix mint oil with a bit of coconut oil and apply it directly to the affected area, or make my natural homemade sunburn spray to relief pain and support healthy skin renewal.
Benefits of Mint Oil for IBS Treatment: Mint oil taken internally in capsule form has been proven to be effective at naturally treating IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). One study found a 50% reduction in IBS symptoms with 75% of patients who used it.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Improve Bloating and Indigestion: Mint oil has been established as a natural alternative to drugs like Buscopan to reduce spasms of the colon. It works by relaxing the muscles of your intestines, which can also reduce bloating and gas. Try peppermint tea or adding 1 drop of mint oil to your water before meals.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Freshen Breath and Reduce Cavities: Tried and true for well over 1,000 years peppermint has been used to naturally freshen breath. According to studies, mint oil performed better than the mouthwash chemicals chlorhexidine at reducing cavities. You can make homemade toothpaste, mouth wash, or add a drop under your tongue followed with glass of water, this freshens bad breath too.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Reduce Nausea: A medical study found that mint oil uses reduced nausea that is induced by chemotherapy better than standard medical treatments. Simply adding a drop of mint oil to water, or rubbing 1-2 drops behind your ears, or even diffusing it can help to reduce nausea.
Benefits o f Mint Oil for Breathing: Peppermint essential oil has the ability to open your airways and act as a decongestant. Mix it with coconut oil and eucalyptus essential oil to make my homemade vapor rub to help reduce the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.

Benefits o f Mint Oil for Colic: Medical research has discovered using mint oil is equally effective as the drug Simethione for treating infantile colic, without the side effects associated with prescribed medications. Mint oil is an essential part of my natural remedies for colic.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Teething: Mint oil is a great natural remedy to relieve the pain associated with teething in infants. Simply mix mint oil with coconut oil at a 1:1 ratio and rub on the gum area.
Benefits of Mint Oil to Malance the Hormones: Mint oil may have hormone balancing effects and be therapeutic for polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Cancer treatment: Clinical research indicates that peppermint contains the compound menthol, which inhibits prostate cancer growth. Also, studies found peppermint protects against radiation-induced DNA damage and cell death.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Hair: Why should you use any essential oil for your hair? Obviously, because you care for your hair! You care about the health of your hair, and you care about your look! Take a look at how effecient is using mint oil for hair growth and other conditions.

Benefits of Mint Oil for Eases Digestion: Mint oil can cure indigestion. You can add it to your food as a flavoring agent or drink few drops with a glass of warm water after your meal. Since mint oil is carminative in nature, it helps to reduce a stomach upset.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Good For Respiratory System: Mint oil contains menthol that can clear the respiratory tract. It is an excellent expectorant that gives instant relief from cold and cough, sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis. You can use it as a cold rub on the chest or inhale it to cure nasal congestion.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Headaches: Mint oil is the best natural remedy to get relief from headaches. Sprinkle few drops of the oil on a handkerchief or dab it on your wrist and inhale it to get rid of a nagging headache. It is also used for migraines as an excellent stress buster.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Alleviates Stress And Pain: Mint oil can alleviate stress and pain after a long and tiring day. Apply some drops of mint oil on your body and take a bath. The refreshing properties of this wonderful oil will energize you and its cooling properties will remove body pain.
Mint Oil is a Antiviral Agent: Since it is an anti-viral agent, mint oil can treat cancer and tuberculosis. Application of this oil reduces the chances of infections and outbreaks.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Nail Care: The antifungal properties of this essential oil can reduce fungal nail infection, when applied topically.
Mint Oil is a Antispasmodic: Mint oil gives good results in colonoscopy, gastroscopy and during a double-contrast barium enema when applied topically. This oil also has antispasmodic properties.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Oral Health: It is usually added in all toothpastes for that refreshing flavor and if not, you can add it yourself. Put two drops of mint oil on your toothpaste and you can stay away from bad breath and toothaches. This is the best way for dental care and fighting against harmful germs.

Benefits of Mint Oil for Cures Urinary Tract Infection: Peppermint essential oil can cure urinary tract infections, as it will reduce the effects and frequency of UTI.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Helps Ease Herpes Infections: Mint oil was found to have a beneficial effect on drug-resistant herpes simplex virus when applied topically. Because of its lipophilic nature, mint oil is able to pass through the skin, making it potentially useful against recurrent herpes infection. Using mint oil on shingles rash also helps improve pain induced by the disease.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Pain Relief: Peppermint is beneficial in addressing pain. It can be used to relieve sore muscles when used with massage or added to bath water. Dabbing a few drops on your wrist or inhaling the aroma can reduce headache pain. Like with sore muscles, it can be massaged onto your temples.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Relieve Allergies: An effective muscle relaxant, mint oil can help to relax the muscles in the nasal passages and remove the pollen and muck during allergy season. You can also combine it with clove oil and eucalyptus oil to help reduce other symptoms of allergies. Mix the essential oils and use in a diffuser.
Benefits of Mint Oil for Improve Immune System Function: For those with weak immune systems, peppermint essential oil can increase their immunity to various diseases like E. coli, staph, and salmonella. Its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties make it popular in many alternative medications.