Proven Health Benefits of Almond Oil that you need know. Moreover, the almond oil contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of almond oil for health. Like to know what the benefits of almond oil are? Know the properties of almond oil: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin. Almond oil had been used extensively for its health benefits and as a beauty aid much before science caught up with the goodness of this seed oil.
Very popular in Southeast Asia and in the Mediterranean region where the Almond tree was first domesticated, the almond kernels and the nutty oil extracted from them were credited with promoting heart and skin health. Now we know that the oil is rich in Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium and zinc, besides a number of other minerals and vitamins, which explains why it is so good for our heart, skin and hair.
Almond Oil Comes in Two Variants: Bitter and sweet. The bitter almond oil is extracted from the bitter almonds that contain a glycoside called amygdalin which turns into toxic hydrocyanic acid on processing. Most almond trees growing in the wild produce bitter almonds that have varying degrees of this glycoside. They can have fatal consequences if ingested. Bitter almond oil does have some medicinal properties, and may be pretty safe for external application, but is better avoided due to the high risk of poisoning.
The sweet almond oil that comes exclusively from edible almonds (Prunus amygdalus var. dulcis) selectively cultivated for their sweet taste. It is the oil popularly used for skin and hair care. It has many culinary uses too. Let’s see how we can use this wonderful gift of nature to enhance our health and beauty.
Almond Oil is a Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Indeed, almond oil is rich of vitamin and mineral to complete your need. Meanwhile, you can not ask for a better thing because this is just an oil, just one drop but you get anything your health ever wanted. Moreover, almond oil is always coming with the main course, so you will all get double benefits of its vitamins and minerals.
Benefits of Almond Oil to Increase Nutrient Absorption: Indeed, almond oil contains vitamin A and vitamin B to absorbed fat properly. Actually, almond oil is the only oil to alkalize the digestive tract, reducing acid buildup and balancing the body’s pH. Actually, pH level is important in order to balancing immunity and reduce the risks of any diseases. So, the nutrient from our food can absorbed properly.
Benefits of Almond Oil to Weight Loss: Almond oil contains healthy fat which means you eat less but you feel full. So, it must be really good for diet. Then, almond oil also contains high fiber and protein, which is reducing calories and providing fullness in body. Well, that is why almond oil becomes salad dressing, as it is to bring you perfect healthy diet menu everyday.
Benefits of Almond Oil to Treatment a Pregnancy: Like it said, pregnant woman always needs complete nutrient for both mommy and baby health. Indeed, almond oil seems to be the best alternative to use to cook better than fatty oil. Thus, almond oil is rich of folic acid, which is to reduce the risk of birth defect. Also, almond oil is also provides the growth of newborn baby cells. So, it is so good.
BenefitsHealthier Skin: Whether man or woman, having a healthy skin represents healthy body. Indeed, almond oil contains rich of vitamin A, B, and E that can perfectly nourishing your skin. It protects skin from UV radiation damage. Then, it is natural body lotion and also make your skin smooth and clean. Then, it is easy to use almond oil through your skin.
BenefitsRemoving Dead Skin Cells: There are many factors that may cause skin cells dead, particularly, our busy activity, dirt, sweat, unhealthy food and pollution may affected it. Thus, we can use almond oil to remove the dull dead skin cells. It help skin to moisturize. By the way, the mixing of almond oil and lime water is perfect to clean you skin and make it clean again.
BenefitsTreatment of Earaches: Well, sweet almond oil is known as ear wax softener as it has substance for relieving ear pain and treating ear infections. Also, it is safe for ear and quickly works. Indeed, two tablespoon of sweet almond oil mixing with warm water. Then, drops it to the affected ear till it relaxes you and it fixing the ear condition.

Benefits of Treatment of Cholesterol: Indeed, almond oil has the ability to regulate cholesterol. The vitamin E in almond oil substance allows oxygen and nutrients to flow freely through your blood. Also, it contains high unsaturated fats that is really safe for your cholesterol levels. So, almond oil will do you good for your heart health and good treatment for you cholesterol.
Benefits Relieving Muscle Ache and Fatigue: Well, if you feel so tired today then you can try almond oil as your relaxation. Indeed, almond oil is the traditional oil for massage as well as sweet almond oil. Likewise, you can just drops the almond oil to the tired muscle and give it a gentle massage. Also, the protein substance in it can give you a better result to relieving pain in muscle. For better, you can also use warm water mixed with drops of almond oil.
Almond Oil is a Anti-Inflammatory: Frankly speaking, bacteria infection can cause inflammation where the wounds swell up and it brings you pain depends on where it affected your body part. Indeed, inflammation happens when system immune fails to fight the bacteria or virus. Thus, almond oil can help your body to strength immune system and reduces inflammation.
Almond Oil is anti-hepatotóxico: OHepatotoxic is the condition when liver gets damage due to chemicals as the side effects of medicine you take. Thus, the chemicals is called hepatotoxins. Meanwhile, this condition can be so danger as it lowers the function of liver as body filters. Thus, almond oil is known to aid the liver in killing toxins.
Benefits of Almond Oil for to Energy boost: Well, almond oil provides quick energy producer for your body. So, if you ever feel like feeling so weak and needs energizer, you can just simply eating something that contains almond oil. For example, you can grab vegetable salad with almond oil as the dressing. Indeed, it substances of manganese and riboflavin can actually energize you effectively.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Promote Heart Health: Sweet almond oil contains high concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs. These unsaturated fats are linked to cardiovascular disease prevention. An article published in “The Journal of Nutrition” in April 2002 noted that studies done on MUFAs show that both whole almonds and almond oil effectively reduce harmful low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL, and increase protective high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or HDL, which may reduce cardiovascular risk.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Increased Vitamin E: Vitamin E helps your body make red blood cells and properly use vitamin K. It’s also a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants are powerful substances that help protect your body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage healthy cells. Antioxidants are linked to a reduction in chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Almond oil is rich in vitamin E. A 3.5-ounce portion of sweet almond oil provides approximately 43 international units of vitamin E, which is more than 100 percent of the daily value set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration based on a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Supplies of Vitamin K: Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, which your body stores in fat tissues and your liver. It helps regulate proper blood flow and is crucial to effective blood clotting. Vitamin K also plays an important role in bone health. A 3.5-ounce portion of sweet almond oil provides 7 micrograms of vitamin K, which is just under 10 percent of the DV set by the FDA.
Benefits of Almond Oil as Body Lotion: Likewise, you can buy lotion in the store but there is nothing as natural as almond oil. The rich contents of Vitamin A and protein actually is the best for foot and hand cream. Indeed, it is a relaxation oil to make your hand and foot smooth and fresh. Then, you can use it for massage and get the natural remedy as well.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Skin: Well, having glowing skin appears to be female’s number one life goal but the sun rays and pollution are not easy to avoid. Thus, almond oil contains SPV 5 to prevent sunburn or tan. Indeed, this is the natural protection to keep the skin glow even in the daylight.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Make-up Remover: However, if you are a girl with full make-up days to work, then you should know about almond oil. Indeed, almond oil can be useful for make up remover. Well, it’s not only removing your make-up, but also removing dust and dead skin cell. Further, it’s also nourishing and resting your skin. So, you get triple super benefits then.

Benefits of Almond Oil for Treatment of Diabetes: Almond oil contains magnesium that is the key role to controlling blood sugar as well as insulin production. Also, almond oil contains minerals that may reduce the inflammation and oxidative stress caused by diabetes. Thus, almond oil is good for diabetes type 2 as it has the power to maintaining blood level to stay normal and reducing the risk of diabetes complications
Benefits of Almond Oil for Treatment of Cancer: Indeed, almond oil contains fiber as cancer prevention. Also, the high sources of anti oxidant from plant compounds are beneficial to reduce the growth of cancer cells. Thus, the type of vitamin E (gamma-tocopherol) in almond oil can fight free radical damage as the powerful source of anti oxidant. As a result, many studies has proven that almond oil can reduce the risk of breast, prostate, and colon cancer.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Improving Brain Function: The combination of riboflavin and L-carnitine are the best sources to activating neurological and cognitive ability. Like most of nuts food substances, almond oil is also beneficial to improving brain function and reducing brain disorders such as Alzheimer. Likewise, elderly people is recommended to consume almond or almond oil at least once a weak.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Improving Immunity System: Actually, consuming almond oil can help body to stay strong. Likewise, almond oil provides with Quercetin as the anti bacterial effect. That is why it can protect us from bacteria and virus such as in fever, flue, or cold. Moreover, olive oil measures with better cleaning system by its substance so that it keeps body clear and fresh.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Improving Memory: Almond oil is the extract of almond nut, so it has even more nutrients than its almond. Moreover, almond oil contains omega 3 fatty acid and potassium to improving your memory system. Also, this substance powers the nervous system and brain functions overall, So, if you ever forget small things like where you take your phone in or something like that, you may need some drops of almond oil in your soup.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Improving Blood Circulation: The vitamin D contents in almond oil requires for calcium absorption to body effectively, so it’s good for blood circulation. Moreover, almond oil can be used as cream for massage and it will adsorbed in skin to improving blood circulation. Further, it can be the best treatment for newborn baby for the bones structures and blood circulation.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Increasing Digestive Health: In addition, almond oil contains probiotic components that is good as detoxification and fight bacteria in the gut and colon. In correlation, probiotic components also help the absorption of food nutrients effectively to body organs. Moreover, almond oil is also beneficial to cure constipation, digestive and rectal prolapse. So, two tablespoon of almond oil is enough to help you with digestive problems.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Maintaining Dental and Bone Health: Back to the high minerals content in almond oil such as magnesium and phosphorus, which is the sources to build strength for bone and teeth. Also, almond oil can be used to prevent tooth decay and early cavity. Thus, it can also prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures. So, we may now pay more attention to maybe replace cooking oil with almond oil.

Benefits of Almond Oil for Treatment of Constipation: Constipation is common disease, painful defecation that happens in all ages. Thus, almond oil has active laxative to help curing constipation. Indeed, almond oil provides substance to clean your stomach and fixing digestive system. By the way, you can put two drops or almond oil then drink it once a day to get a clean and healthy stomach.
Almond Oil is Anti Ageing Skin: Ageing is common happen to scare most of female in the world. The skin problems like the wrinkles, dulls, dot spot, dry skin are the things that can get female so mad. Yet, don’t worry because there is a thousands natural ways to handle it. Meanwhile, almond oil contains high nutrients of vitamin E to help nourishing skin and reducing the sign of early ageing.
Benefits of Almond Oil for Resolving Eyes Bags: Well, it is also the beauty trick that almond oil can be useful to reduce dark circles around your eyes so you don’t look like having panda eyes. By the way, all what you need is natural vitamin E to nourish your skin, especially on circle eyes that’s easily go dark when you are tired. So, just apply two drops of almond oil to the circle and massage before you sleep.