27 Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil that you need know. Moreover, the olive oil contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of olive oil for health. Like to know what the benefits of olive oil are? Know the properties of olive oil: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin. Olive Oil is fast becoming the world’s favourite oil. This wonderful secret of many Mediterranean recipes is now out in the open for the entire globe to enjoy. Olive oil is the fat which is obtained from crushing olives, a fruit that is primarily grown and cultivated in the Mediterranean region. Health and culinary circuits cant stop raving about the benefits of this wonder oil.
Olive Oil Nutrition: Rich in antioxidants, vitamin K, and vitamin E, olive oil boasts a very good nutritional profile. It has mono-saturated fats like oleic acid and palmitoleic acid, which constitutes 10g of the total fatty acid count of 14g in this oil. Olive oil is also free of carbs and cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases. The calorie count of this oil is similar to canola oil or butter, at around 120 calories in 1 tbsp of olive oil. Given to its amazing nutrition, olive oil has many health benefits, let us discuss them in detail below.
Olive Oil Benefits for Reduces Wrinkles and Signs of Aging: A face pack made with olive oil( 2 tablespoon), and lemon juice(1 tablespoon), and a pinch of sea salt, can rejuvenate your skin, and prevent it from sagging and other signs of ageing. Massage your face thoroughly, and repeat the regime at least three times a week. This would give you instant results.
Olive Oil is a Source of Monosaturated Fatty Acids: Looking to shed some extra pounds? Switch to a diet that has least intake of trans fats. Olive oil is profuse with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), a healthy fat that helps battle heart disease, cholesterol,and even blood sugar. Experts suggest that it is higher in MUFAs than sesame, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower and corn oil!
Olive Oil is a Source of Good Cholesterol: Olive oil promotes the flow High-density lipoproteins or HDL which is called the good cholesterol, which scavenges the blood stream of plaque and toxin formation.
Olive Oil Benefits for Digestion: Olive oil can also work wonders for your gastrointestinal tract and colon. Olive oil helps stimulates the digestive system, making food move smoothly through the colon. Rich in mono-saturated fats, olive oil helps in better mobility of food through the colon. This also helps speeding up bowel movement thereby constipation. Mixing a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice can be an effective remedy for constipation.
Olive Oil It’s Good for Your Sex Life: No wonder the greatest lover in history was Italian: extra virgin olive oil may even improve your sex life. Casanova must have had excellent circulation for all those conquests; olive oil boosts circulation to all areas of the body, including those hard to reach erogenous zones.
Olive Oil Benefits for Weight Loss: Twenty litres of extra virgin olive oil every year and most Mediterraneans still aren’t fat. According to Leandro Ravetti, Chief Oil Maker of the award-winning Cobram Estate Extra Virgin Olive Oils, a diet rich in extra virgin olive oil may deliver greater and longer lasting weight loss results than a low-fat diet.
Olive Oil Benefits for Diabetes: Eating extra virgin olive oil as part of a balanced diet may help prevent or delay the onset of diabetes. Ravetti says extra virgin helps “regulate and balance our insulin levels, so you’re not really having those spikes.”
Olive Oil Benefits for Pain Relief: Extra virgin olive oil contains a substance called oleocanthal, which has anti-inflammatory agents, meaning olive oil is like a natural Ibuprofen. Research increasingly suggests inflammation impacts a number of chronic diseases, so olive oil’s anti-inflammatory properties grow more compelling all the time.
Olive Oil Benefits for Skin Saviour: Extra virgin olive oil helps with anti-ageing, osteoporosis and skin damage. “One that’s proven is that it adds a protective coating on the skin, both through consumption and application,” says Ravetti.
Olive Oil Benefits for Mental Agility: Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, which research suggests helps prevent or slow down the cognitive decline associated with diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Olive Oil Benefits for Strengthen Your Immune System: Loaded with antioxidants – vital for strengthening and protecting your immune system – extra virgin olive oil may help you become more resistant to infection. This wide range of important antioxidants isn’t found in other oils.
Olive Oil Benefits for keeps your body running smoothly: It’s not just vehicles that benefit from a regular oil change; extra virgin olive oil contributes to the operational health of such vital areas as the stomach, pancreas and intestines.
Olive Oil Benefits for Pregnancy Aid: Not only can olive oil application assist in avoiding stretch marks, consuming extra virgin olive oil while pregnant may improve your child’s psychomotor reflexes and more.
Olive Oil Benefits for Longevity: Since extra virgin olive oil assists in the prevention and/or reduced impact of so many diseases – including certain cancers – it’s no exaggeration to say it may even help you live longer. Not bad for something that’s also delicious.
Olive Oil Benefits for Moisturize Your Hair: The hair smoothening and strengthening qualities of olive oil is fast gaining recognition throughout the world. Bring your lifeless locks back to life, with the moisturizing hair pack of olive oil (1/2 teaspoon), honey(2 tablespooon) and a protein rich egg yolk. Mix the ingredients thoroughly to get a smooth paste. Apply the paste onto your hair and let it sit for twenty minutes, and then rinse off with cold water. Follow the regime twice a week.
Olive Oil Benefits for Promotes Hair Growth: Olive Oil is rich in Vitamin E which makes your hair strong and prevents hair fall. Massaging regularly with olive oil can also fix the problem of split ends.
Olive Oil Benefits for Treat Depression: Experts have said that olive oil can increase the levels of serotonin, the brain chemical that is also called the happiness hormone. Majority of the anti-depressants also steer towards stimulating the production of serotonin.
Olive Oil Benefits for Promote Brain Health: The good amounts of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids present in extra virgin olive oil are good for brain and memory power.
Benefits of Olive oil to Moisturize the Skin: Olive oil contains vitamin E, which improves skin health by treating inflammation, acne, and dryness. It also improves skin elasticity and its regenerative properties. The anti-oxidants, minerals and good fats, fight the free radicals, and facilitate healthy and fuller skin respectively.
Eye-Makeup Remover
We know what you’re thinking—slathering olive oil all over your face would actually cause bigger problems and clog pores. But in actuality, the oil grabs onto other oil-based products (think: Like attracts like), making it a great precleansing step to remove stubborn eye makeup. Follow it up with warm water and a pH-balanced face wash.
Olive Oil Benefits for Remove Ear Wax: If you often have ear-wax buildup, turn to olive oil to flush out the clog. For three or four nights, put a few drops in the ears before bed to help loosen excess wax.
Olive Oil Benefits as Shaving Cream: Run out of shaving cream? Head to the kitchen and slather legs with olive oil before applying the blade. You’ll ward off razor burn and bumps with the help of this natural lubricant.
Olive Oil is Antibacterial: If you’re taking an all-natural approach to medicine, you can whip up this DIY recipe for a Neosporin knockoff. It includes antibacterial olive oil along with lavender, calendula, and tea tree oil to ward off germs and scarring.
Olive Oil Benefits to Condition the Cuticle: Want to grow longer, stronger nails? Use olive oil as your cuticle softener. Chef Giada De Laurentiis applies the oil to her hands as she cooks, and you can easily keep a little by the sink for post-sanitizing moisture.
Olive Oil Benefits for Eczema Remedy: The best and most widespread use for olive oil is as an intense moisturizer. This product works great as an allover treatment for extra-dry skin. Since it’s natural, it’s the ideal pick for eczema and more.
Olive Oil Benefits for Diaper-Rash Treatment: There are very few products that are safe for both babies and adults. Olive oil is perfect for the sensitive skin on a baby’s bottom and as a moisturizing remedy for cradle cap too.
Olive Oil Benefits for Treat Cracked Feet: Split, rough heels need moisture to heal. After exfoliating with a pumice stone, apply olive oil to feet. Put on socks to lock in the hydrating treatment as you sleep.
Olive Oil is an Excellent Makeup Remover: Cleaning your makeup brushes should be a monthly ritual. You can use a DIY cleanser that’s two parts antibacterial soap and one part olive oil.